Archive for the ‘Stress’ Category:

10 Tips to Improve Your Emotional Wellness

This month’s ‘Wellness in 10’ is dedicated to those who have some trouble with their emotional wellness, and provides a little guidance on how to develop that aspect of themselves to better become a fully well person.

1. Set good goals

This seems like a logical place to start, as it pertains to emotional wellness and elsewhere. Wellness coaches everywhere will tell you to set goals for yourself that are actionable, achievable, and timely. Sometimes, with massive goals, that means breaking the large goal into smaller sub-goals that you can use to track your progress. By giving yourself something positive to work toward, you’re setting yourself up for success as you continue to be able to check your goals off your list. The sense of satisfaction that comes with achieving goals will only improve your positive outlook.

2. Things change, and we have to change with them

“This too shall pass” is known as the one universal truth. It’s also a phrase that has the ability to make us sad when we’re happy and happy when we’re sad. Much mental anguish can be assuaged by accepting the adage, though. By understanding that our lives are ever-evolving processes, and not just distinct moments in time, we can relieve ourselves of the frustration of trying to hold on to any one set of circumstances.

3. Fail forward

For many of us, “failure” is a dirty word. It means we’ve not achieved a specific goal or desired outcome. In other areas of our lives, we call this “practice.” Save yourself the angst of brooding over a failure, and instead see it as a learning experience for the next time you make an attempt. As long as you’ve learned something for the next time, you haven’t really failed.

4. Pick up on positive vibes

Have you ever noticed how your mood lifts whenever a specific friend or relative comes around? An easy way to get in a better mood is to surround yourself with positive people. Invite your positive friends over for coffee or a board game – or anything interactive, really – and before long your mood will have made a turn for the better.

5. Let bygones be bygones

You aren’t in charge of the behavior of others. If someone harms you, it’s easy to get into a cycle of grudge-holding that can be toxic for your emotional wellbeing. This doesn’t mean that it’s ok for others to harm you, but after the fact, only you can choose how to move forward for yourself.

6. Laugh it up

People have been saying “laughter is the best medicine” forever for a reason. In addition to being fun, laughing has been shown to ease pain, reduce stress, and boost your immune system. Often, we get caught in a pattern of taking ourselves very seriously. A little self-directed laughter might take us a long way toward improving our personal emotional wellness.

7. Get real

One emotional-wellness crusher is the feeling of being overwhelmed. Avoid this feeling by setting up realistic expectations for yourself. Put together lists of things you have to accomplish, and use that list to organize your day in a realistic way, reminding yourself that some things might have to wait until tomorrow, or next week, or next month. By setting up a process in which you can manage your expectations in a real way, you will be able to avoid the feeling that you’re falling behind.

8. Use the buddy system

Some of us tend to bottle our emotions inside of us, expecting that we’re somehow going to think through our problems and figure out a magical solution that will suddenly appear to us. Often, it just doesn’t work like that. If a persistent mood-killer is hanging around, it may be time to tap a trusted friend’s knowledge and experience to help work through a problem.

9. Sleep on it

We’ve known for a long time that sleep is important, but it seems like only recently has it been getting the recognition it deserves. Getting enough rest will let you feel less stressed, more focused, and less irritable. A normal amount of sleep for the average adult is seven to eight hours. If you’re getting less than that and feeling unstable, try taking a nap – for your own emotional wellness.

10. Recognize a problem when it’s a problem

There are emotional problems that all of us face in our day-to-day, but it’s important to know when an emotional wellness issue is more than an average occurrence. Persistent, long-lasting feelings of dread, being overwhelmed, or self-harm should be taken very seriously as signs of clinical depression, and shouldn’t be ignored. If you’re dealing with these sorts of feelings, reach out to a trusted friend or family member for help, or find help through the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Source: National Wellness Institute

10 Out-of-the-Ordinary Things to Be Grateful for This November

Published by in Health, Stress on November 8th, 2015

10 Things to Be Grateful for This November

Written by National Wellness Institute

Gratitude is an important thing; it’s been shown to improve your mood, improve your relationships, and boost morale in the office.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, now is a great time to start looking for things to be thankful for. With that in mind, here are 10 out-of-the-ordinary things that we can be thankful for this November!


Reducing Workplace Stress: WellAdvantage Featured in The Daily Record



Communication key to reducing workplace stress

“Stress’s potential is lurking behind every deadline, every presentation you have to give, every, scheduling conflict — your overall workload.

About a quarter of employees in the United States view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives, while problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.”

Read the full article here


Dealing with Stress through the Holidays & Beyond

Published by in Health, Stress on November 4th, 2014

Don’t let stress take the joy from this holiday season–or any other time!


Join a health coach from WellAdvantage on Thursday, November 13 at 7 p.m. in the Eldersburg Branch Library for a presentation on dealing with stress. Our coach will help you:

  • Identify your stressors
  • Understand how stress affects your health
  • Learn stress management techniques

Stress Seminar_UPDATED

WellAdvantage is here to keep you feeling your best during even the busiest times.


See you there!


For more information on WellAdvantage coaching, visit the WellAdvantage Coaching Institute website and be sure to view our limited time coaching offer on LivingSocial.


Does Daily Stress Affect Mental Health?

Is it true that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger? Many people believe daily stress builds strength and helps endure future obstacles; however, University of California, Irvine, psychological scientist Susan Charles suggests that daily stress may not build strength and actually negatively influences long-term mental health.

Charles’s study (released April 2, 2013) used data from two national surveys that focused on daily obstacles and the mental health impacts on participants after 10 years. Researchers discovered that mental health was affected similarly by small life experiences compared to major events. Small issues such as an argument at home influenced the future of participants’ mental health.

Those who properly manage daily stress lead happier and healthier lives. Managing stress takes practice as the pressures of life can be overwhelming at times. Incorporating daily stress management can benefit future mental health and decrease psychological distress. Use the following ideas and methods to help manage everyday stress:

  • Determine whether stress is internal or external. If you are constantly dwelling on the negative and worried about things beyond your control, this is internal (self-generated) stress. Recognizing the form of stress you have can help you control stress.
  • Engage your senses for immediate stress relief. Using sight, sound, scent, taste, and touch can decrease stress levels. While some individuals may relax to music, others may find the scent of a candle helps them unwind.
  • Stress relief takes practice, so if one management technique does not work for you, try something else.
  • Is stress keeping you awake at night? If so, using a white-noise machine may be beneficial and help you conquer stressful tasks the following day.
  • Maintain a network of friends who you can talk to about your stress. Surrounding yourself with positive friends can decrease anxiety and increase optimism during stressful events.

Posted By National Wellness Institute, Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Article by Kelli Oligney, Associate Editor

Mikulak, A. (April 2, 2013). Negative emotions in response to daily stress take a toll on long-term mental health. Retrieved on April 2, 2013, from

Segal, J., Smith, M., and Robinson, L. (March 2013). Quick Stress Relief. Help Guide. Retrieved on April 17, 2013, from

Turn Off the Stress

The Cave Woman Returns Home

Most heart experts consider the major risk factors of heart disease as age, heredity, obesity, smoking, inactivity, poor diet and high blood pressure. However, stress appears to pose a significant risk in some people. You have heard of the fight or flight response to a perceived threat to your safety, whereby chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline are increased in the body until the threat has passed. When the cave woman is running from the saber tooth tiger, she needs the alertness and speed that the chemicals provide. When she returns to the safety and warmth of her cave, she can relax and allow her bodily functions to return to a normal level.

Modern day women, however, often maintain a high stress level on a continuous basis as their return to the cave or home is met with the demands of running children to sports practice, helping with homework, preparing dinner, listening to their spouse’s work problems, and returning telephone calls and e-mails. When is the time to relax? How do you relax and alleviate stress? Even though we know stress can affect our attitude and cause us to overeat or drink, we need to be mindful that we are not helpless in this situation. Physical activity, yoga, meditation, quiet time, and close friends can assist us in relieving stress.

Our bodily systems are wonderfully connected and function according to set patterns. One example dealing with stress is the action of the “super gland”, the hypothalamus, which allows for the increase of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol which adds more sugar to the blood and raises the heart rate in times of stress. If the stress level remains high, these chemicals can inhibit the production of estrogen, effecting bone growth and calcium reserves and drawing calcium away from the bones.

Rest and exercise act to reduce stress levels and among other benefits promote muscle and bone growth. Weight bearing exercises such as walking, resistance training and even yoga, which directs safe pressure to all your bones and joints, adds strength and flexibility for healthy living. Our cave woman doesn’t have to go to a gym to exercise as she is already walking, running, lifting, and reaching. She is both hunter and farmer. Without electricity there is no TV, computer or artificial lighting. When darkness comes she rests, and eats when hungry or when food is available, retaining fat for periods of famine and extreme cold. Our bodies today are regulated under the same functional systems as the cave woman. However we are probably not going to die of starvation, but we might from stress overload. Give yourself vital relaxation time and periodically step off life’s treadmill and enjoy your cave.

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.


Fatigue is a mental and physical condition that results from boredom, restlessness, lack of sleep, and monotonous activity. We can be bored with work, personal relations, weather, and the lack of excitement in our lives. Cloudy days, sad people, and lack of goals can drain us of energy and vitality. How do we combat fatigue?
Eat nutritious meals, exercise with a buddy, do some activity you enjoy daily, sleep when you are tired and have a

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regular schedule. Have at least one friend you can confide in, enjoy nature, walk in a park, have a positive outlook and seek out similar type people. Spend time with young children, listen to music, find a hobby, and try not to worry needlessly. Yoga, meditation, or hiking in the woods may be fatigue-fighting activities you’ll enjoy. Of all the above suggestions, find a few that you like and schedule them into your day.

Many people find hope and inspiration in volunteer work or in religious organizations. Challenge yourself to learn new things such as a second language, a card game, or dance step. Remember, you are an important, valuable person with needs that should be met. Have short and long range goals addressing your needs.
For better sleep, establish a regular sleep schedule, and use the bedroom for sleep only. Avoid naps, caffeine and chocolate at

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least four hours prior to bedtime. Exercise and a warm bath three hours before sleep may help. Finally, check with your doctor on any medications and their effects.

If your fatigue is derived from work, then leave it at work. Leave work on time and get excited about returning home. On the journey home, thank yourself for doing a great job and plan some wonderful things for the rest of the day. A ten minute walk prior to dinner will boost your energy level. Enjoy seasonal activities with family or friends and allow yourself time to relax and rejuvenate.
US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Sleep Foundation
The Better Sleep Council
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

There are hundreds of books and magazines on the market expressing the latest and greatest ideas on stress reduction and worry-free living.  In reality, if we experienced no stress or anxiety, life would be very boring and little would be accomplished.  TV shows such as The Apprentice, Survivor, Fear Factor and Big Brother wouldn’t exist.  These shows imitate some facets of life to which we can all relate.  It is not that some stress and deadlines are counter productive in our work and home lives, but it is the amount and the consistency that can harm us.  We need a break from stress overload.  How do we accomplish that goal? 
Several areas seemed to be important in helping reduce stress in our lives.  One way is through physical exercise.  The act of walking, weight lifting, or yoga raises our spirits and changes our thoughts as we concentrate on a healthy and hopefully rewarding activity.  Other methods for happiness are letting go of negative thoughts, especially ones over which you have no control as to the outcome.  Replace these thoughts with positive ones.  Practice meditation during which time you repeat positive, optimistic statements to yourself reinforcing some healthy belief or choice you made. 
Take time each day to do at least one thing you really enjoy.  It may be a walk in the park at lunch time or phoning a friend for a dinner date.  Have both short and long range goals and keep a weekly log showing your progress towards one of the goals.  Pamper yourself once a week with a trip to the salon or a massage or even a bubble bath with candles in the room.  See the good in everything and tell someone about a positive thing or event that happened to you.  Try not to take everything personally.  Allow others to shoulder some of the load; you don’t have to carry the world on your back.  Learn to say “No” occasionally so as not to be pressured into every project or committee at school, work or church.  If you’re religious, practice your faith and allow God to do her job while you do yours.  Pray or meditate on healing for you, your family and friends.
Take charge of your life, visualize your gifts, talents, and abilities, and put these attributes to good use.  Hopefully you enjoy what you do for a living and have time for family and friends as well.  A hobby or sport can be a welcomed change from your work schedule.  Plan a vacation and tell others of your ideas concerning the vacation and what you’ll do on this trip.  Get proper rest, eat nutritiously, have regular medical check ups and exercise daily for good health and positive outlook. 
It seems that we all spend a lot of time thinking about the bad consequences of events that never happen.  We worry ahead of time about whether our child will be the victim of a car accident or that we won’t have the money for the needed repair if the furnace breaks next winter.  Why worry now?  Do the best you can with the knowledge and skills you have right now.  When you learn to trust yourself, you will know how to live a full life.  It is up to you to decide whether your glass is half full or half empty!
Self Matters, Philip McGraw
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

Feel Good On Purpose

You are who you think you are.  You will be who you think you will be.  There is a story that a poor 6 year old boy asked his mother why their family lived in poverty.  It seems that the boy and his parents were always hungry and cold and his father never received a better paying job.  His mother answered the boy’s question by saying that the father “thinks” he is supposed to be poor, so he acts as if he has no control over his well being.  He has only known poverty and just accepts it as a way of life.  Is there a way out of this type of thinking?
Hundred of books have been written about positive thinking and rising above your circumstances, and there are many success stories.  One answer usually given in these books is to trust yourself and have an optimistic outlook.  Believe you have the knowledge and power to make successful choices.  Motivate yourself with positive statements and join with other outgoing and happy people.  Dream big dreams and think great thoughts.  Of course you need to build foundations under these dreams and perform the work to move on to the next level of your life. 
In the health and fitness environment, ask yourself why am I leading an unhealthy lifestyle?  Is it smoking, eating to excess, or failing to exercise?  What keeps me in fitness “poverty”?  Is there something I like about this way of living?  Trust yourself and determine what successful people are doing and visualize yourself as living a happy, goal orientated, successful life.  See yourself as strong and vibrant, standing tall and proud, wearing a special outfit and doing an enjoyable activity.  If you are spiritual, then meditate or pray for guidance as many people find solace in their God.  If you follow a more Eastern Tradition, seek knowledge and comfort in uniting with the universal one.  However you receive energy and motivation, do so with a passion and start to think and believe all things are possible.  You can be who you want to be!
How To Win Friends And Influence People , Dale Carnegie.
Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

Laugh and the Whole World Laughs With You

I don’t recall when I first heard that line or the following one of “cry and you’ll cry alone.” I think it means that laughter and happiness attracts people, and continued sadness often sends them away. In Proverbs 15:13 and 15:15 we read “a glad heart lights up the face, but by mental anguish the spirit is broken” and “every day is miserable for the depressed, but a lighthearted man has a continual feast.”

We all have problems of one kind or another but we do have a choice as to how we live with these difficulties. It is the old story of two people observing a ½ filled glass. One

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say it is ½ empty and the other says it is ½ filled. What type of person are we? Laughter or having a sense of humor doesn’t make our daily problems disappear but it sure does make life a lot more bearable and enjoyable. I once knew a janitor who sang while he worked and I asked him why he seemed so happy. He said that he never asked what was wrong with his life only what was right, and when he counted his blessings, he sang with joy.

As you observe children playing, notice how they sing and laugh their way through card and board games and enjoy breaking rules of pick-up sports games. Being around kids will make you laugh. Watch the antics of your pet dog or cat and laugh with them. Keep a list of funny movies, jokes, and articles and refer to them when you need a lift of spirits. Laughing causes physical benefits to our bodies including the exchange of large amounts of fresh air, deeper breathing, hundreds of facial muscles get a workout and tear ducts drain. Stress levels are reduced and abdominal muscles engaged.

Laughter can elevate the spirits of those around you. In our cost conscious world, laughter remains free of charge and never runs short of supply. Use it as much as you like and reap the benefits of a good hearty laugh!

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

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