Financial Wellness Lunch & Learn

Financial Wellness

WellAdvantage now offers a Financial Wellness Lunch and Learn. We understand that financial stress is an epic issue and deeply affects individuals and their family.

WellAdvantage has teamed up with WayPoints Financial Services, LLC, a company dedicated to educating, coaching, and supporting individuals and their families in creating their own financial wellness. Our goal of this seminar is to help employees focus on taking even the smallest of steps in creating a life with less financial stress and more control over their future. After completion of the seminar, employees will have an opportunity to voluntarily approach the presenter to learn more about additional services outside of the workplace. As stated above, WayPoints Financial Services, LLC is a company that assists people with their financial issues. They are not commissioned brokers, but rather a company dedicated to providing financial coaching to their clients.

The cost for this one-hour seminar is $495, for up to 25 participants.

Schedule your Financial Wellness Lunch & Learn today!

Call us at (410) 795-7579 or use the form below.

Financial Wellness Lunch & Learn Request Form

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