Archive for January, 2012:

Turn Off the Stress

The Cave Woman Returns Home

Most heart experts consider the major risk factors of heart disease as age, heredity, obesity, smoking, inactivity, poor diet and high blood pressure. However, stress appears to pose a significant risk in some people. You have heard of the fight or flight response to a perceived threat to your safety, whereby chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline are increased in the body until the threat has passed. When the cave woman is running from the saber tooth tiger, she needs the alertness and speed that the chemicals provide. When she returns to the safety and warmth of her cave, she can relax and allow her bodily functions to return to a normal level.

Modern day women, however, often maintain a high stress level on a continuous basis as their return to the cave or home is met with the demands of running children to sports practice, helping with homework, preparing dinner, listening to their spouse’s work problems, and returning telephone calls and e-mails. When is the time to relax? How do you relax and alleviate stress? Even though we know stress can affect our attitude and cause us to overeat or drink, we need to be mindful that we are not helpless in this situation. Physical activity, yoga, meditation, quiet time, and close friends can assist us in relieving stress.

Our bodily systems are wonderfully connected and function according to set patterns. One example dealing with stress is the action of the “super gland”, the hypothalamus, which allows for the increase of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol which adds more sugar to the blood and raises the heart rate in times of stress. If the stress level remains high, these chemicals can inhibit the production of estrogen, effecting bone growth and calcium reserves and drawing calcium away from the bones.

Rest and exercise act to reduce stress levels and among other benefits promote muscle and bone growth. Weight bearing exercises such as walking, resistance training and even yoga, which directs safe pressure to all your bones and joints, adds strength and flexibility for healthy living. Our cave woman doesn’t have to go to a gym to exercise as she is already walking, running, lifting, and reaching. She is both hunter and farmer. Without electricity there is no TV, computer or artificial lighting. When darkness comes she rests, and eats when hungry or when food is available, retaining fat for periods of famine and extreme cold. Our bodies today are regulated under the same functional systems as the cave woman. However we are probably not going to die of starvation, but we might from stress overload. Give yourself vital relaxation time and periodically step off life’s treadmill and enjoy your cave.

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.

Strength Training

You have decided that you want to perform some resistance training with weights to add to your lean muscle mass, but are confused as to where and how to begin.  Here is the basic information on resistance training.

Many names are used for weight lifting, such as weight training, weight bearing, or resistance training.  They all entail lifting and lowering free weights, pushing or pulling cables attached to weights, or using machines to move weights.  In its simplest form visualize your muscles attached by tendons to your bones so as you lift or lower a weight the muscles contract or expand.  As you do this repeatedly, muscles fibers grow and strengthen and in turn aid in the protection and flexibility of your joints.  Sensible weight training can help develop lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, and act as a preventative against arthritis and osteoporosis.  For most people there is no reason not to weight train.  If you’re female, you won’t start to look like a male body builder because your muscles are smaller in size and you have less testosterone in your system.

A way to begin weight training is to find a weight you can comfortably lift and lower 10 times. (1 set)  Lift and lower the weight for 3 sets of 10 repetitions or a total of 30 times, resting in between the sets for 30 seconds.  When you can do this with very little effort, add 5 lbs to the weight and do your 3 sets.  There is nothing magical about 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Some studies have shown positive results for muscle growth and strength by first doing 2 sets of 8 repetitions or 16 total movements of the weight.  The idea is to find a base weight to begin with and gradually add weight to force your muscles to reach a new intensity level.  You can choose to lift dumbbells (not your spouse), household items such as soup cans or detergent containers, stretch exercise bands, use your body weight as in push-ups and sit-ups or in some yoga positions, or try exercise machines and cable machines.  All you need to begin is some weight to lift and lower, push or pull.

There are numerous books which demonstrate proper techniques, safety concerns, types of exercise for different body parts, and breathing methods.  Mainly don’t hold your breath, wear comfortable shoes and clothing, drink water, keep the joints and muscles engaged but not locked, listen to your favorite music, have fun and don’t drop the dumbbell on your foot!  As you progress, you may want to do 2 – 3 exercises for each major muscle group in the body.  For example, most pulling or rowing exercises strengthen the back, while pushing or pressing away from the body strengthens the chest.  One pulling exercise is a seated row.  Visualize the exercise band held around your feet, and you holding the ends of the band and rowing or pulling the band towards your sides in a seated position.  A pressing exercise example is the chest press, where you lay on your back with a dumbbell in each hand and press them from the chest towards the ceiling, then lower them back down.

For the lower body, visualize a squat position which looks as if you were going to move from a standing position to a seated one, except there is nothing upon which to sit.  Track the knees over the ankles, tailbone extended out to the rear and come back up to standing.  Don’t let less than a 90 degree angle form at the knee joint.  For the abdomen try several sit-ups with your feet either on the floor or up on a chair.  Slowly raise the chest towards the ceiling, hold, and release back to the floor.  Don’t pull on your neck with your hands.

Find some exercises you enjoy and begin to feel strength gains in 6 – 8 weeks of three times per week weight training.  The sessions can be about 20 minutes in length so that is only 1 hour per week.  You have 1 hour in a week for your healthy bones, muscles, and joints.  You will feel great and look firmer and elevate your metabolism as well.


Strength Training Past 50, Wayne Westcott, 1997.

Target Bodybuilding, Per A. Tesch, 1998.

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.



“Physical Wellness”

How do you measure physical wellness?  Do you see stronger muscles, better balance and flexibility, greater heart/lung capacity, loss of weight, racing speed, peace of mind, and body awareness? 

Many of us make New Years resolutions to exercise, but we don’t clarify our goals, so we fail to recognize success when it happens.  Exercise is something we do in order to fully enjoy performing the necessary and fun things in life.  For example: You are a grandma who wants to lift her grandson or comfortably get in and out of a car; You may be a new mom who wants her “former stomach” back or a runner trying to shave three minutes from his time; You could be a busy executive who wants strength along with increased relaxation techniques or a teenager competing in sports.  There is a wellness or lifestyle program just for you!

First, decide on one or more goals and ask yourself: What do I enjoy, and what will I stick with for three months or a year or longer?  Let me mention a few areas of exercise and the primary benefits of each: 

Resistance Training – Lifting weights using dumbbells or exercise machines – benefits include larger, stronger muscles, increased metabolic rate and bone mineral density and improved joint function

Aerobic Training – Walking, jogging, biking, or aerobic classes that maintain the heart rate in the target zone for a minimum of 20 – 35 minutes, for increased heart/lung capacity.  Aerobic activity may lower blood pressure and increase endurance.

Yoga – Strength movements as well as flexibility, stretching, and meditation, which can improve body awareness, balance, and breathing ability.

Pilates – Targets core stability with precise strength and stretching patterns for “useable muscles” for day to day functioning and increased energy and focus.

Water exercise – Lap swimming or specific aerobic classes allows for stretching, strength gains, and relieves pressure on joints while exercising and can rehab sore muscles.

Cross training – For example, an aerobics class that also uses weights to perform resistance training or jogging and lifting weights on alternating days.

These are only a few examples of exercise programs and possible benefits.  Remember to list your short and long range goals and what you like to do.  Then choose an area that meets your wellness needs.  For example, you may take a Pilates class for core strength and better balance and swim or jog for aerobic benefits.  You might want to have a session with a personal trainer to tailor a specific program just for you.  Be consistent with whatever you decide.  If you are pressed for time, you might take certain strength classes at a gym and perform your aerobics at home by walking or jogging.  You can stretch and do sit-ups while watching TV.  Exercise with a buddy for fun and record your daily results.  See a medical professional for your specific needs and concerns prior to beginning an exercise program.  Remember, proper nutrition and rest are vitally important for good health.  Give yourself a hug and begin to enjoy the New Year filled with zeal, zest, and enthusiasm for the New You!

Sources:  My own New Year’s Resolutions.  For further information, look at your New Year’s Resolutions.

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.


Clearing the Confusion of “Net Carbs”

As the popularity of low carbohydrate diets has grown, many manufacturers have tried to find ways to market their products. More and more food labels and restaurant choices are now advertising “net carbs,” “carbs that count,” “impact carbs” and “effective carbs.” The consumer should understand that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved these new terms on labels. The FDA is currently working on developing guidelines for low carbohydrate levels similar to the guidelines for the terms “fat-free,” “low-fat” and “low sodium.”

Companies are claiming that fiber in foods are not digested and absorbed like other carbohydrates, therefore our bodies do not convert them into blood glucose. Carbohydrates in the form of fiber and sugar alcohol have less impact on blood sugar but they cannot be ignored all together. Sugar alcohol does have calories though less than regular sugar but it can cause gastrointestinal distress if over-consumed.

“Net carbs” are defined as total carbohydrates minus dietary fiber and sugar alcohol. For example if the total carbohydrate equals 15 grams, and the fiber content is 5 grams and sugar alcohol is 10 grams {(15 – (10+5)) =0} the net carbs would equal zero.

To interpret this claim the consumer should be aware of the following:

When there are more than 5 grams of fiber per serving, subtract the grams of fiber from the total grams of carbohydrate, determining the effect on blood glucose An example is if total fiber is 14 grams and total carbohydrate is 47 grams the amount of effective carbohydrate would be 47-14=33 grams). If there is more than 10 grams of sugar alcohol listed then it should be counted as containing half the listed amount as carbohydrates. For example, if a food item contains 12 grams of sugar alcohol it would be counted as 6 grams of carbohydrate.

Be aware that eating foods with more than 10 grams of sugar alcohol can cause intestinal gas and diarrhea. Remember that sugar alcohols do have calories. Once you are aware of these guidelines, if a food label contains these new terms, you can check the amount of fiber and sugar alcohol they are subtracting to make sure that it meets the guidelines. You may choose to ignore the claim as an advertising gimmick.

For more information on net carbs go to: _Not_to_Count.htm


Rundus, Tandy R.D., Meck, Mary, Higgens, PH.D, R.D., L.D., CDE, and Procter, Sandy, M.S., R.D. Net Carbs, Impact Carbs, Zero Carbs that Count- What Does It Mean? May 2004, Retrieved on January 15, 2005 from

Davis, Erin, R.D., L.D., What Are Net Carbs? Chesapeake Dietetic Lines, v 65, Fall 2004, #2.

Article by Cristie Lynn Utter,

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Fitness or Frailness

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens your bones by causing them to become less dense. Anyone can get osteoporosis but there are certain high risk factors such as being a female over age 35, having a thin body frame,

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reaching menopause before age 45, smoking, drinking to excess, and not exercising or having enough calcium.

From puberty to about age 30 greater bone mass can be realized by obtaining nutrients from a healthy diet, exercising, and good lifestyle habits such as proper rest. As we age we begin to lose bone density. We increase this loss by having an unhealthy lifestyle which may include smoking, excessive drinking, stress, lack of weight bearing exercise, lack of sunlight and a highly acidic diet. These factors draw calcium away from the bones and release it into the blood to aid in bodily functions that should be handled by the calcium suppliers. Calcium is not only needed for bones and teeth but for our nervous system, blood clotting and heartbeat regulation. Calcium can be obtained from diary products, certain cereals and fish, and vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale.

Other important minerals are also necessary for healthy bones. If our diet is very acidic from high levels of protein from red meat and excess of unabsorbed amino acids, calcium and magnesium will be released from the bones in order to neutralize the acids. It is important to eat fruits and vegetables which are high alkaloids and combat acids in your body. Potassium is needed for calcium absorption as excess unabsorbed calcium can settle in joints and lead to arthritis, or form deposits in the kidneys. Foods high in potassium are bananas, cantaloupe, almonds and fresh orange juice. Other foods which are alkaline rather than acidic are lentils, yams, raspberries and dark green leafy vegetables. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is found in certain milk and cereal, egg yolks, and salt water fish. Also sunshine provides for the absorption of vitamin D in our bodies. Magnesium is another mineral necessary for high bone mineral density and heart health. Foods high in magnesium are spinach, low-fat yogurt, brown rice, almonds, and bananas.

The endocrine system, which includes our glands and the hormones they produce also interact with our diet and lifestyle to promote or retard bone growth. For example in a time of high stress the adrenal glands signal the bones to release calcium to combat an emergency. Rest and exercise act to lower stress levels and promote bone growth. Weight bearing exercise such as walking, yoga and resistance training assist in bone growth. They support proper posture, balance, flexibility and deep breathing. Resistance training tones the muscles, which reduces unusual demands on the joints. The bending and twisting done in a yoga practice seem to regulate blood flow and hormonal activity by locking, squeezing and releasing blood and lymphatic fluids creating a healthy flow of new, rich oxygenated blood throughout our systems.

As you can see there is an interaction among our bodily systems effecting bone density. Therefore it is very important to follow a healthy lifestyle of exercise, rest, and proper nutrition. These factors taken together will help to lesson the effects of bone loss as we age.

Recommend daily allowances and Sources

Calcium 1,000 – 1,200 mg

Dairy products, certain cereals and fish, vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale


Vitamin D 400 IU

Certain milk and cereal, egg yolks, saltwater fish (sunshine aids in absorption of Vitamin D)


Magnesium 400 mg

Spinach, low-fat yogurt, brown rice, almonds, and bananas


Potassium 2,000 mg

Good sources of potassium: Bananas, cantaloupe, almonds and fresh orange juice.



Yoga for Healthy Bones, Linda Sparrowe

Mayo Clinic Report 6/03

Tufts Health and Nutrition Letter 6/03

NIH Facts on Osteoporosis

National Institute on aging 1992 Report on Osteoporosis

Article by Bob McDowell, Certified Personal Trainer.


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